Friday, 29 April 2016

New Starmade Video:

I have upgraded my filming hardware so can now produce these videos lag free :D It is a bit complicated however requiring 2 computers and 4 different cables...

I am very pleased with this episode. A lot of work was put into it. The video has green screen elements, the above mentioned filming hardware trick, more dynamic music and ADR done so the voice over was of a better quality.

Monday, 25 April 2016

May 8th Storm Fight Team Seminar

Storm Fight Team Seminar, May 8th, 1pm till 4pm in Ayr, Scotland. Come punch my face :p 

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

New video. Solo review of CURSE Pre-Workout

Barry and my schedules have not been lining up recently. But he challenged me to try out and review CURSE Pre-Workout:

Monday, 18 April 2016

The future...

I am quickly approaching the end of my university course (for the second time in my life) and I have been diligently searching for jobs, graduate or otherwise. I have to say I am not brimming with confidence. Jobs are just as few and far between as they were when I first gave up hope and went back to study again. I fear I will now be even more over qualified for normal jobs and too old/ under experienced for higher level work.

My under-graduate degree ended up being a noose around my neck. Myself and the vast, vast amount of my peers made zero inroads into our industry and ended up with afore mentioned over qualified/ under experienced issue.

I have a sense of dread that I have simply repeated the same mistake...

On a related note I genuinely love creating videos and updating all of my social media and keeping in touch with you guys and in an ideal world I could put food on my table doing that but in reality very few people manage this.

Don't get me wrong. I don't do this for money. I do it because it's my passion and my hobby and I will continue making content for as long as that remains true. I guess I'm just having panic about 'real jobs' and the future and felt the need to vent about it...

Normal service to resume shortly.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Episode 4, the last episode of season 1 of my Starmade Ship series. The AFW Landa Class corvette – Landa

This time I review the Landa, fight with some pirates and discuss the upcoming season 2 of Anthros Fleetworks where I am playing on the SystemHack multiplayer server.

Starmade is in Alpha stage and is available on steam.

Anthros Fleetworks:

SystemHack Starmade Server:
My Website:



Music Credit to:

Friday, 15 April 2016

Starmade Season 2

I am going to film my last ship (The Landa) for season 1 of my Starmade ships after class today. To round it out I will film a small promo for season 2 where I will be showcasing the ships that I have built on the multiplayer server (systemhack uk). Rather than just showing off the ships I will actually using them. I will be featuring mining missions and combating pirates/other players etc. So I am hoping this will be more fun than just straight reviews.

My Minecraft video did not do very well. I may still try an ep2 but keep it shorter and gauge the reaction after that.

Monday, 11 April 2016

The trainee fights..

I spent the whole day between editing, rendering and uploading but in the end the fights themselves were not up to scratch so the boss man had me pull them...

Pretty deflated but I do see his point.

Storm Fight Team Seminar Trainee Fights

I finally found the time to edit some of the trainee fights from the March 6th training seminar.

Please keep in mind the combatants were still in training at the time of these videos:

Friday, 8 April 2016

Gary Plays: Minecraft Ep1

Episode 1 of Gary Plays: Minecraft

In this pilot episode I begin playing the PC version of Minecraft on survival mode. I attempt to survive my first few nights in a fresh new world with controls I am not used to.

As this was a beginning this episode is quite long. Future episodes will be shorter.

Music Credit to:

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Gary Plays: Minecraft coming tomorrow at 7.

My first Minecraft let's play video will go live tomorrow (8th of April 2016) at 7pm GMT. I will post the link everywhere as soon as it publishes.

It has been a long edit and frankly the video is longer than I'd like but it does what it says on the tin. Subsequent episodes will be kept a lot shorter...

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Leg day....

I finally snapped after hitting a wall while gaining size in gym. I knew I should be hitting legs but I had been avoiding it. But after two weeks of going heavy on the bench I had actually lost a few pounds... So I decided to sack up and take the gym more seriously. I headed down to Bannatynes and set up shop in the squat rack...

Could not walk properly for two days... Gotta do it all over again...


Monday, 4 April 2016

Mini Wrestlemania review

Okay, I am not going to a full ‪#‎Wrestlemania‬ review. Plenty of people out there who will likely do that. Just a few points I want to make:
1. The show was very front loaded for me. Started great and continued great, loads of 'surprises' and all that jazz. However the show really lost its shine the closer to the 'main event' it got.
2. The WOMEN'S (Burn in hell diva's title...) championship match was great. I saw one tiny botch when Sasha went for the sunset flip out of the corner but all three women recovered quickly and it really didn't take anything away from the match. Great psychology, good story telling and sensible well timed high spots.
3. AJ Styles versus Chris Jericho. Overall it was a good match but some parts seemed clustered to me. Don't understand why Jericho went over at the moment but perhaps the story is not over yet.
4. Zack Ryder winning the IC title in a (excuse my Scottish) "belter" of a ladder match is my moment of the night and honestly the reason I ended up staying awake to watch the whole show. I had originally planed to give up a few matches in and catch the rest in the morning. Woo Woo Woo. You know it.
5. Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold! enough said. Oh! Apart from the New day's entrance..... yes.
6. Shane 'O' Mac versus Undertaker was as weird as I feared. Taker was over selling fairly weak offence that almost feels disrespectful to the efforts of past Wrestlemania opponents.By the same token Shane undersold too many 'big' moves.
That said Shane hit all the dangerous bumps we expected and it was a great effort from both men.They told a good story within the match and Taker showing Shane respect for not giving up at the end was a nice touch.
However the result of match better not be the end of this story. I doubt many people would appreciate this build up and hope of changing the monotony of Raw was simply exploited for a one time Mania selling headline...
7. I fell asleep during the main event. I was awoken by the sound of booing after the finish....

Sunday, 3 April 2016


I have been watching the wrestlemania pre show. I am annoyed that the had the US title on the pre show then wonder why we feel that the title is undervalued. On the up shot I was very impressed with the new WOMENS World Title.